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Evaluations that made a difference: USAID wants your feedback!

Dec 17, 2014
Heather Risley

Improve Evaluation Utilization graphic asking people to reply to PPL/LER

As part of an ongoing study of evaluation utilization, USAID’s Office of Learning, Evaluation, and Research in the Bureau for Policy, Planning, and Learning is crowdsourcing examples from all parts of USAID. 

Think BIG about your experience with evaluation utilization.  We are interested in examples where evaluation findings and recommendations:

  • Resulted in important modification to ongoing projects or activities;
  • Altered early ideas about follow-on project designs;
  • Led to changes in the way country partner organize or deliver services within national or local government systems;
  • Influenced the strategies embedded in new USAID country strategies;
  • Helped achieve a development result in one or more countries at a lower than initially anticipated costs.
  • Significantly enhanced the effectiveness of USAID development assistance – possibly exceeding anticipated targets or resulting in the scaling up of innovative initiatives for which evaluations provided sound evidence of their effects.
  • Made it clear that a project or activity was not achieving results and provided USAID with sufficient evidence to support its termination.

Please use the following link to tell us about an example of your experience with evaluation utilization at USAID: