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USAID MEL Modular Training Series

A training series that aims to strengthen access and quality of MEL processes and products among MEL implementing partners and USAID field Missions

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Modular Training Series

The USAID MEL Modular Training & Workshop series is a capacity building workstream that aims to strengthen access and quality of MEL processes and products among MEL implementing partners and USAID field Missions. The series is designed as short modules that bridge training gaps for users who may not have immediate access to formal USAID training. 

This Training & Workshop Series offers the following suite of PDF slides and facilitation guidance designed to enhance practitioner capacity on the following USAID MEL topics: 

  • Monitoring, Evaluating, and Learning Resources (MEL Walkthrough)
  • Developing Good Evaluation Questions
  • How to Conduct a Data Quality Assessment (DQA)

These modules consolidate content on monitoring, evaluation, collaborating, learning, and adapting from existing USAID resources, incorporating interactive activities to promote learning and sharing, along with detailed facilitation instructions. USAID plans to release additional modules that will be added to this page.

Objectives of the Training & Workshop Series

  • Enhance the quality of MEL and CLA processes and outputs in Missions and among implementing partners by identifying, developing, and proactively providing guidance. This includes offering standardized MEL resources that can be tailored to the specific gaps and needs of each individual Mission. 
  • Use existing champions as facilitators and force multipliers to deliver scalable MEL and CLA modules in training sessions and workshops.
  • Ultimately, this Training & Workshop Series will provide a strong foundation and a launchpad for continuous learning.

Explore the Modules

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MEL Resources Walkthrough

This module offers participants an overview of all available MEL resources, including those on ProgramNet (for USAID staff) and Learning Lab. It also provides an opportunity for participants to practice navigating these platforms. This module includes an inventory of MEL resources for quick access. Length = 2 - 2.5 hours.

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Developing Good Evaluation Questions

This interactive training focuses on developing strong evaluation questions that are closely aligned with the evaluation's purpose. It includes a workshop where participants craft an evaluation purpose and corresponding questions based on a fictional or real Mission Activity. Length = 2 - 2.5 hours for instructional content; 1.5 hours for Choose Your Own Workshop. 

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How to Conduct a Data Quality Assessment (DQA)

This DQA module will guide participants through USAID’s data quality standards, outline the steps for conducting a DQA process, and facilitate peer-to-peer discussions on challenges and best practices. Length = 2 hours for instructional content; 1.5 hours for DQA Checklist activity.