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Confused about the difference between the CLA Framework and Maturity Tool?

Oct 16, 2016

If so, you aren't alone. But I hope to convince you that it isn't as confusing as it may appear, so I'm keeping it as simple as I can.

The CLA Framework (left) is a graphic depiction of the universe of elements we include when we think about CLA. It's a circle in order to reinforce the idea that we try to take a holistic approach to CLA. We call the outer two halves building blocks and they include CLA in the Program Cycle and Enabling Conditions. We call the next ring in components: Collaborating, Learning, Adapting, Culture, Processes, and Resources. These are further articulated through 16 subcomponents in the inner ring of the framework.

The CLA Maturity Tool (right) builds off of the framework and is a physical tool intended to help teams hold in-person conversations on self-assessment and action planning. For each of the 16 subcomponents in the Framework, the Maturity Tool includes key concepts and facilitation aid and 5 spectrum cards. The key concepts and facilitation aid card broadly describes what the subcomponent covers (front) and offers clarifying explanations helpful in framing the subcomponent (back). The 5 spectrum cards describe how the subcomponent might show up in your work along a spectrum of practice, ranging from Not Yet Present to Institutionalized

Connection between the CLA Framework and the CLA Maturity Tool

I hope this helps!