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Gender-Sensitive Indicators for Europe and Eurasia


Reducing gender gaps, promoting equality between the sexes, and empowering women are the focus of many global development initiatives. Since women and men experience development differently, it is critical that projects be developed, monitored, and evaluated with indicators that determine if any gender gaps are closed and if gender equality and female empowerment goals have been achieved. These changes can be documented through the systematic collection of data on the outputs, outcomes and impacts of projects using gender-sensitive indicators (GSIs), including sex-specific indictors (SSIs) and indicators that serve as the basis for collecting sex-disaggregated data. The purpose of this Toolkit is to provide USAID staff in the E&E and other regions and USAID partners with the tools to design, monitor, and evaluate projects using GSIs that yield data that inform project staff of their progress toward achieving the three overarching outcomes identified within USAID's Gender Equality and Female Empowerment Policy.

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