Ideas and tools to apply learning practices
18 Results
Glossary of Development Project Management Terms
A complete glossary of terms and definitions for all who want to learn more about project management applied in the development sector.
Okiko in Pursuit of a Snail
This is third and final report of a series of three evaluations entirely led by children, here with the youngest group so far. Children beneficiaries of the programme, selected…
Tips for Creating a Learning Agenda: Based on the findings of a Landscape Analysis of Learning Agendas at USAID
This document outlines ways a learning agenda may benefit an operating unit or team and describes characteristics of an effective learning agenda; it offers general steps to the…
Plausible Contribution Memo
In its efforts to advance understandings of how to measure the effects and effectiveness of collaborating, learning, and adapting (CLA) on development results, the CLAIM Learning…
Theories of Change in International Development: Communication, Learning, or Accountability?
This paper, written by Craig Valters for The Justice and Security Research Forum, provides an analysis of how Theories of Change are used in the day-to-day practice of an…
Video: How to Read DHS Tables Part I (English)
The first video in a series that teaches viewers how to read and understand tables from the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS). This video provides step-by-step guidance on…
Mobile App: Demographic and Health Surveys
Ever wish you could quickly access Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) country indicators from your phone or tablet? Want to know what surveys are coming in your country? …
Resources on Systems Concepts in Evaluation
Bob Williams' website offers a variety of resources around the use of systems concepts in evaluation.
Making Use of the Portfolio: Organizational Learning at USAID
Learning from experiences to improve future actions has been a priority of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) for decades. Indeed, a number of approaches to…
Is Yours a Learning Organization?
Leaders may think that getting their organizations to learn is only a matter of articulating a clear vision, giving employees the right incentives, and providing lots of training…