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73 Results
Simple and Effective Tools for Assessing your Organization’s Collaborating, Learning & Adapting Capacities
Are you interested in assessing your team, organization, or network’s capacities in Collaborating, Learning & Adapting (CLA)? Excelling in these areas is key to organizational…
Learning: Four Reasons Why It Should Matter to You and Organizational Leaders
As our name implies, we here at LEARN love learning. But why does it really matter? We ask ourselves that question continuously and have found, in asking others as well, there are…
USAID/Vietnam Performance Management Principles
As part of the Performance Management Plan, USAID/Vietnam developed peformance management principles that informed the development and continued implementation of its approach to…
Towards stronger partnerships & greater local ownership: Collaboration options during design, procurement & implementation in Vietnam
USAID recognizes that local leadership and ownership are essential for fostering sustainable results across its development and humanitarian assistance work and promotes greater…
Help! I’m Hiring New Senior Staff And I Want Them To Be CLA-Savvy!
As a sector, international development organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of effective collaboration, organizational learning, and adaptive management…
Theory of Change (TOC) Samples
These resources provide fictionalized examples of context- and evidence-driven theories of change. The examples include both the theory of change narrative and the visual known as…
Capture the Wisdom of Your Departing Staff: Why, How, and a Simple Tool
When staff leave their organizations, the loss of knowledge can be quite high, and it takes a significant amount of time for new employees to gain back the wisdom their predecessors…
Moving the Needle on Local Ownership in USAID/Vietnam Programming
Development requires local ownership for long-term success and sustainability. We all know this, and if we’re being honest, we also all know it is a struggle.
We wanted to…
We wanted to…
A Guide to Hiring Adaptive Employees
If you are involved in hiring, this tool can help you increase your chances of selecting staff members skilled in adaptive management. It will help answer the questions:
Livin' la vida DOJO: Improving organizational learning practices at scale
In 2022, USAID/Vietnam and USAID Learns launched the Learning Dojo, a holistic capacity-strengthening opportunity for USAID's local and international implementing partners (IPs),…