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584 Results
Approaching civil society sustainability through a lens of relevance and resilience
Zach Center is a technical advisor at Pact, with a focus on civil society strengthening and capacity development. He spent the last five years helping to lead Pact’s programs…
Agile Bureaucracy: BHA and Tufts Use CLA for Program Sustainability
When considering how a large bureaucracy like USAID’s Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) advances issues like program sustainability – that is, the persistence of program…
Promoting Sustainability & Self-Reliance: Use of Group Capacity Assessment Data in Nepal
Sustainable Action for Resilience and Food Security (Sabal) is a five-year program in Nepal funded by USAID Food for Peace (FFP) in October 2014 and implemented by Save the Children…
Achieving Sustainability Through CLA-Driven On-Demand Partnership
Leveraging Education Assistance Resources in Nigeria (LEARN) to Read is a five-year activity funded by USAID to support sustainable improvement in reading outcomes for first-and…
How PCI Engaged Stakeholders to Generate New Learning on Sustainability
Recognizing that knowledge on how to define and measure sustainability of development programming is limited and often complex, Project Concern International (PCI) was awarded a…
Promoting Sustainability & Self-Reliance: Use of Group Capacity Assessment Data in Nepal
Sustainable Action for Resilience and Food Security (Sabal) is a five-year program in Nepal funded by USAID Food for Peace (FFP) in October 2014 and implemented by Save the Children…
Knowledge Management Sustainability Tracker
What is this?
This document outlines a systematic and intentional approach to managing the transfer of skills and knowledge in order to support sustainable organizational outcomes…
This document outlines a systematic and intentional approach to managing the transfer of skills and knowledge in order to support sustainable organizational outcomes…
Liberia Municipal Water Project’s Sustainability Monitoring
2016 CLA Case Competition Submission
Collaborating, Learning and Adapting for Sustainability in Ugandan Health Cooperatives
Ugandans face high out of pocket costs to access health care. To remove the cost barrier to care, HealthPartners trains local stakeholders to manage their own health insurance…
Co-Creation & Co-Funding of Joint Workplans with County Governments Improves Accountability and Sustainability in Northern Kenya
LMS operates in five Counties in Northern Kenya (Isiolo, Marsabit, Garissa, Turkana, and Wajir). This region of Kenya has historically been marginalized politically, and the arid…