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Top 5 Learning Lab Resources on Maximizing Learning at Meetings and Events

Dec 17, 2014
Learning Lab

Conferences and events are effective ways to foster learning and knowledge exchange, but they take a lot of time and resources to pull off. That’s why getting the most out of in-person meeting opportunities, or blended events with a virtual component, is so important. Conferences and events can now go beyond the one-way provision of information, such as seminar-style presentations or panel sessions. There are a number of resources on Learning Lab that can help inform meeting and event planning for the purpose of maximizing participant engagement and learning. Below is a list to get you started!

  1. Liberating Structures: Including and Unleashing Everyone
    Liberating Structures make it easy for leaders of all levels to create conditions for people to work at the top of their intelligence and creativity. In this environment, people thrive and enjoy their work. It is also the path to top performance.

  2. Gather: The Art and Science of Effective Convening
    This is a unique guidebook for convening planners and change agents interested in harnessing the potential of collective intelligence through in-person convening.

  3. Designing Participatory Meetings and Brownbags
    Download this resource for ideas on designing meetings and brownbags that are engaging and build in opportunities for participant dialogue.

  4. Introducing Knowledge Sharing Methods and Tools: A Facilitator's Guide
    This guide provides hands-on practice in the use of KM methods and tools. It can help missions understand ways to strengthen relationships and networks; generate, capture, and share lessons learned, case studies, and good practices; design and facilitate better meetings and workshops; and stengthen and sustain knowledge sharing.

  5. Good Practices in Webinar Facilitation
    Although webinar programs are becoming more user-friendly, webinars don't run themselves - they require active facilitation to ensure that participants are validated and well-engaged with the content. Learn more about real-world successes and failures from facilitating webinars for USAID over the past three years. This presentation highlights important steps to take before, during, and after webinars, and lead a discussion on good practice.