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Are we maintaining appropriate knowledge management and decision making practices so that all team members have easy access to our collective knowledge?  By creating and implementing effective processes to capture, distill, and share knowledge, we can ensure the best use of an expansive knowledge base that is built over time and is often forgotten about. 

Guidance and Tools

For related ADS Discussion Notes and How Tos, go here.



How do Organizations Integrate Learning into their Daily Work? — This episode from the Leaders in Learning series focuses on how organizations are integrating intentional learning into their day-to-day work. Tune in to this discussion between development professionals as they identify emerging themes.

Staying in the Loop: How to Learn from your Data — Evidence-based decision-making is a powerful tool for transforming USAID “From the Inside Out.” In this episode, hear about approaches in other industries, and why it can be challenging at USAID. This episode dives into two examples of innovative learning initiatives at USAID missions.