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2024 CLA Case Competition

Important Dates

CLA Case Competition Opening Date
Monday, June 17, 2024
CLA Case Competition Closing Date
Friday, July 26, 2024 at 5:00 PM EDT

The Competition Has Closed

Thank you for participating in USAID’s 2024 Collaborating, Learning and Adapting (CLA) Case Competition and celebrating ten years of continuous learning for improved development outcomes! This milestone competition is now closed. The judging process will begin in the coming weeks, and the winners and finalists will be announced in the Fall.

>>> Browse CLA Competition Cases

Learn More About CLA

What is Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA)?

In 2012, USAID’s Bureau for Planning, Learning, and Resource Management (PLR) introduced the concept of collaborating, learning, and adapting as the Agency’s approach to organizational learning and adaptive management throughout USAID’s Program Cycle. CLA is intended to help USAID and its partners address common challenges that pervade international development assistance, including when:

  • Coordination among donors and implementers is lacking, resulting in missed opportunities for greater impact
  • Development is donor-driven, rather than country-led or community-owned
  • Data and evidence that could inform programming are not utilized
  • Outdated practices are still used despite evidence of their ineffectiveness
  • Programming is not relevant to the local context
  • Donors and implementing partners stick to existing plans and implementation approaches even as the context changes

As development practitioners, USAID staff and implementing partners do their best to avoid these common pitfalls. However, significant demands on time, limited resources, and a need to show immediate results often means that collaborating, learning, and adapting effectively to overcome these challenges remains elusive.

In the simplest terms, integrating collaborating, learning, and adapting throughout the Program Cycle can help development practitioners address the above challenges by thinking through:

  • Collaborating: Are we collaborating with the right partners at the right time to promote synergy over stovepiping?
  • Learning: Are we asking the most important questions and finding answers that are relevant to decision making?
  • Adapting: Are we using the information that we gather through collaboration and learning activities to make better decisions and make adjustments as necessary?
  • Enabling Conditions: Are we working in an organizational environment that supports our collaborating, learning, and adapting efforts?

The CLA Framework

While collaborating, learning, and adapting are not new to USAID or international development in general, they often do not happen regularly or systematically and are not intentionally resourced. To address this, USAID's Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) Framework helps USAID missions and implementing partners think more deliberately about how to plan for and implement CLA approaches that fit their context and assist them in achieving their development objectives.

Program Cycle and CLA Framework image

Graphic: CLA Framework supports implementation of USAID's Program Cycle.

The CLA Framework identifies components and subcomponents to help USAID staff and partners think more deliberately about what approach to CLA might be best tailored to an organizational or programming context. The framework recognizes the diversity of what CLA can look like in various organizations and projects while also giving CLA structure, clarity, and coherence across two key dimensions:

  • CLA in the Program Cycle (portion shaded in red on the left-hand side of the CLA Framework above): how CLA is incorporated throughout Program Cycle processes, including strategy, project, and activity design and implementation; and
  • Enabling Conditions (portion shaded in dark blue on the right-hand side of the CLA framework above): how an organization’s culture, business processes, and resource allocation support CLA integration.

Organizations need both integrated CLA practices appropriate for their context and conducive enabling conditions to become stronger learning organizations capable of managing adaptively. The framework stresses the holistic and integrated nature of the various components of CLA to reinforce the principle that CLA is not a separate workstream—it should be integrated into existing processes to strengthen the discipline of development and improve aid effectiveness.

View the CLA Framework two-pager to learn more about what each of the subcomponents mean.

Want to learn more about CLA? Check out these resources in the CLA Toolkit

The 2024 CLA Case Competition will open on June 17th and begin accepting submissions for this year's competition.

What are the important dates?

  • Case Competition opens: Monday, June 17th, 2024
  • Case Competition closes: Friday, July 26, 2024, 5:00 p.m. EDT

Who may enter?

This year’s landmark 10-Year Anniversary CLA Case Competition is open to all USAID staff and partners from all types of organizations (charitable organizations, private companies, or public entities) working with USAID around the world. Note: The specific activity doesn't necessarily have to be funded by USAID; however, USAID must somehow be connected to the work.

What are the case submission requirements?

To enter the Case Competition, you are required to submit: (1) the 2024 Case Submission form, (2) the Basic Data webform, and (3) an original photo related to your case submission. For additional information, please refer to the Submit Your Case page. (Note: The Submit Your Case page - with both the Case Submission form and the Basic Data webform - will become available on June 17th when the competition opens.)

Cases must:

  • Use a collaborating, learning, and adapting approach.
  • Be associated with USAID in some way. The specific activity doesn't necessarily have to be funded by USAID; however, USAID must somehow be connected to the work, such as through collaboration or a partnership, or through an implementing partner improving their own internal CLA-related work, which by extension impacts the work they do with USAID.
  • Be submitted in English.
  • Be submitted before the Case Competition closes on Friday, July 26th, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. EDT.

How will my case be judged?


A panel of judges from USAID will review entries. We’re looking for cases that:

  • Are intentional, systematic and resourced - CLA doesn’t just happen, it needs to be planned and budgeted. Be sure to write about the decision-making processes behind your CLA approach.
  • Are holistic, covering multiple subcomponents in the CLA framework - The strongest CLA cases involve the CLA in the Program Cycle components on the left side of the CLA framework (Collaborating, Learning and Adapting) and the enabling conditions on the right side (Culture, Processes, and Resources).
  • Have an ongoing effect on your organization and its work - If you choose to write about a conference or one-off event, strengthen your case by explaining how the learning and relationship-building continued after your event.
  • Could potentially be adopted by others - Describe your CLA approach in such a way that someone with a similar development or organizational challenge may replicate it.
  • Have clarity of expression and storytelling - this includes good punctuation and grammar.
  • Clearly track to CLA components and subcomponents - reference the subcomponents of the CLA Framework in your narrative.

For examples of how others have used a CLA approach, browse our collection of CLA Case Competition submissions.

How will winning cases be recognized?

All eligible cases will be published on USAID Learning Lab and may be featured in our Learning Matters newsletter, as well as in email blasts and on Learning Lab’s X and LinkedIn accounts. 

Answers to Common Questions

General Questions

What is the purpose of the CLA Case Competition?

The CLA Case Competition captures real-life examples of USAID staff and partners using a CLA approach. This year marks ten years of the Case Competition helping USAID learn about what works and what does not when implementing CLA. Cases will help inform the Agency’s adaptive approaches to localization, climate change, equity issues, and other contextual challenges. The past decade of case submissions have been important to informing USAID's and partners' ongoing work in advancing how CLA approaches can be applied for organizational learning and improved development results.

Can I submit a case about an activity that is just getting started?

Yes, we welcome examples of newer CLA activities or approaches that are just beginning. Documenting your work for this competition can enable you to be more systematic, intentional, and resourced about CLA in the future. It can also allow you to track your progress as you implement your programming.  

Do cases have to represent only USAID-funded work?

The specific activity doesn't necessarily have to be funded by USAID; however, USAID must somehow be connected to the work, such as through collaboration or a partnership, or through an implementing partner improving their own internal CLA-related work, which by extension impacts the work they do with USAID. If you have a case in which USAID is not somehow connected to the work, we encourage you to contribute it as a blog post or resource on Learning Lab!

Can cases be submitted in languages other than English?

Unfortunately, we are not able to process and display cases in any language other than English.

Can I submit more than one case?

There is a limit of one case per activity. There is no limit on how many cases an organization may submit. If an organization is submitting multiple cases (each from a different activity), then please complete a separate entry form for each case. Please note that the Basic Data webform that is filled out and submitted as part of the complete submission is a Google survey, and only one submission per email address can be accepted.

Can I edit my entry once it has been submitted?

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept an updated entry or additional materials related to it after you have already submitted your entry. 

Who is managing the CLA Case Competition?

The CLA Case Competition is managed by USAID's CLA practice area in the Bureau for Planning, Learning, and Resource Management (PLR) and by the Program Cycle Mechanism (PCM), a PLR mechanism implemented by Environmental Incentives, LLC.

What would my reward be if my case wins? 

Winning and finalist cases get special recognition in Agency-wide newsletters and communication campaigns. There may also be opportunities to present cases in future learning events for both USAID staff and the wider partner community.

Can we include other supporting attachments, such as products that came out of the case like 2-pager or learning briefs etc? 

The Google Dataweb Form doesn’t allow for additional attachments. While those are great to mention in your case, the content will not be included in the judging process. We encourage you to share these attachments with [email protected] to have them featured on Learning Lab.

Is there a community of practice or brown bag whereby finalists or winners present their cases and people get to ask questions?

USAID intends to host period learning events for USAID staff and the wider partner community where cases will be featured. Learning Lab also has a public page on LinkedIn where cases are promoted and users can share their own experience. We encourage you to follow the page! 

When you say one submission per activity, you mean per award?

Yes, the judges will review one submission per award. If you’re an implementing partner (IP), coordinate your submission with your country Mission to ensure only one submission captures the activity/award. The judges will disqualify an IP’s submission that has a matching Mission submission.

Would you afford us an opportunity to interact with those that submitted previously?

At the moment we do not have a system in place to connect future participants with past participants. However, we do encourage you to browse the over 600 cases on Learning Lab’s CLA Case Map; each case has an author(s) listed when you open the case page, whom you are welcome to connect with. Additionally, you are encouraged to attend future peer learning events for an opportunity to engage with past participants. If you would like to connect with authors of a specific case and cannot identify them, you can email us at [email protected] and we may be able to support that introduction. 

Can I submit a case if the activity has ended?

Absolutely! Completed cases offer just as much (if not more) lessons and good practices as an ongoing activity. 

Who reviews the case submissions?

The cases are reviewed by a panel of seven judges, made up of USAID staff representing various bureaus and who have different areas of technical expertise. The judging process is divided into two rounds to identify finalists and approximately ten winners.

Is attaching an original photo mandatory?

Yes, a photo original to the activity is a requirement to qualify for the competition. If you do not have an original photo or worry that your activity holds sensitive photos not shareable with the public, you can create a graphic unique to your activity, take a screenshot of a virtual team meeting, or design a unique slide that captures an element of your activity. If you face any issues attaching a photo to the Google Submission Webform, you can email your original photo to [email protected].

Do we need to submit a consent form for the photo?

At the moment, we do not require a consent form. Please share an original photo at your discretion. We encourage submitters to follow standard ethical practices and use good judgment when selecting photos to submit. When in doubt, email us ([email protected]) with any questions/concerns and we will do our best to guide you. 

How many winning cases are selected? Is it by mission or region?

Roughly ten cases are selected as winners each year, and twenty are identified as finalists, depending on the total number of submissions  There are no quotas by Mission or geographic region.

Submission Form Questions

Are the ADS 201 definitions linked in the PDF entry form?

They are not, but here’s the link to the ADS definitions.

Are there a specific number of pages, font type and size required?

Please do not change the presets, which include font type, size, and character limits, in the Adobe Fillable PDF form.

When we talk about culture in the USAID CLA Framework, what do we mean? Is it organizational culture?

Yes, we mean organizational culture, not country culture. See page two of this document to learn more about what we mean by culture in the CLA Framework.

Eligibility/Submission Limits

Can we submit a case when we helped others use CLA approaches, vs. doing it ourselves?

Yes you may.

Are there limitations on when the case took place? (e.g., is a case from several years ago permissible?)

There are no time limits, as long as the case hasn’t already been submitted in previous CLA Case Competitions.

My activity was not fully funded by USAID, it is only about 20% funded by USAID. Do you have any requirements on the minimum percentage of the USAID portion of activity funding to be eligible for this case competition? Also, can we submit entries from U.S. Government activities aside from USAID (for example, U.S. Department of State)?

The specific activity doesn't necessarily have to be funded by USAID; however, USAID must somehow be connected to the work, such as through collaboration or a partnership, or through an implementing partner improving their own internal CLA-related work, which by extension impacts the work they do with USAID.

Is there a limit on how many cases one organization can submit (if the organization manages multiple programs)? Is it possible to submit more than one case from one activity?

There is a limit of one case per activity. There is no limit on how many cases an organization may submit. If an organization is submitting multiple cases (each from a different activity), then please complete a separate entry form for each case. Please note that the Basic Data webform that is filled out and submitted as part of the complete submission is a Google survey, and only one submission per email address can be accepted.

Acceptable Cases

Will a case that involves an approach to learning from across multiple countries be considered?

Yes! Check out this former winner.

Can we only focus on one CLA sub-component?

Because all of the CLA sub-components are so interrelated, we think it would be hard to write a case featuring only one. And, we’re looking for holistic cases that, ideally, draw on both sides of the CLA Framework.

What if I have more than one example of (multi-faceted) CLA? Can I submit multiple cases or should I put it all into one case?

It’s really up to you. If you can pull multiple approaches into one case while telling a cohesive story, that can make a very strong case. However, we also want you to be able to describe your CLA approach step-by-step, so if you won’t have enough space to do that well for such a multi-faceted approach, you might consider submitting multiple cases. However, the limit is one case for each activity.

How much should my case be data-driven? Do we need to be more fact-based?

Please include as much data about the outcomes of your CLA approach as you can. However, we recognize that it can be difficult to measure the outcomes of CLA. All types of data and evidence are welcome, and the very nature of the Case Competition is qualitative.

Is the CLA Maturity Tool the preferred tool to use or can we submit a case with our own approach?

We welcome cases on any kind of CLA approach.

Can the case consist of the approach/methodology we use in our activities?

Yes, as long as it also reflects a CLA approach and clearly articulates how your approach or methodology relates to CLA.

Can a case be based on the use of tools such as GIS in improving learning?

Yes, as long as the submission clearly articulates how you used the tool to support an intentional, systematic, and resourced CLA approach to address an operational or development challenge. 

Inspiration from Winning Cases

2023 CLA Case Competition Winners and Finalists!

The 2023 CLA Case Competition submission period lasted from May 15 to June 15, during which 154 cases were received.

A team of judges from USAID read all entries and selected a short list for review by a second panel of judges. Out of the 154 submissions, the judges identified nine winners and twelve finalists. 

See the finalists and winners in alphabetical order below. 

Congratulations to the winners of the 2023 CLA Case Competition

2023 CLA Case Competition Winners: 

Ask Questions, Generate Learning, Use Learning (Wash, Rinse, Repeat) | USAID/Somalia

USAID/Mexico Unlocks the Door for More Innovative MEL Approaches | USAID/Mexico

A Cultural Shift in Using Data to Improve Child Outcomes in Moldova | USAID/Moldova

EpiC Vietnam Transforms Team Dynamics Using CLA | FHI 360

CLA and Research to Change With Adolescents in Zambia | Grassroot Soccer Zambia (GRSZ)

Driving Results and Local Ownership With Systems-Based CLA in Colombia | Chemonics International, Inc.

Re-Scoping a Project While Maintaining Its Core Objective | RTI International

An International Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting Case Competition | USAID MOMENTUM Routine Immunization

The Power of Collaboration and Experiential Learning–Transforming Skeptics Into Champions in Jamaica | USAID/Jamaica

Congratulations to the finalists of the 2023 CLA Case Competition

2023 CLA Case Competition Finalists:

A Data-Driven Project to Data-Driven Utilities | Engicon

Adaptive Program Design Through Community Visioning in Zimbabwe | CARE International

Beyond Funding: USAID/Liberia’s Ongoing Journey for Inclusive Local Partnerships | USAID/Liberia

Community Visioning as an Effective Approach to Localization | USAID/Zimbabwe

Collaboration in Wartime: Delivering Generators to Hospitals in Ukraine | USAID Energy Security Project and USAID Health Reform Support Project

Evidence Cycle and the Annual RFS Pause and Reflect | USAID/RFS/ALD

Livin’ La Vida DOJO: Improving Learning Practices at Scale | USAID/Vietnam, Social Impact, ASU, HAIVN

Locally Led Developmental Evaluation Improves CLA Practices in Ethiopia | Headlight Consulting Services LLC 

Measuring the Benefits of USAID Integrated Programming in the DRC: A Participatory Modeling Approach | USAID/DRC, SoCha LLC

Pausing and Reflecting Pays Dividends for Nascent Ethiopian CSOs | CEPPS

Tracking Allegations of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse BPR | USAID/M/MPBP

USAID/Peru’s Adaptive Management in Rapidly Shifting Contexts | USAID/Peru, EnCompass LLC