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Try This Tuesday: Harness the Power of a Growth Mindset

Aug 07, 2018
Kat Haugh

Did you know that individuals who are curious, have growth mindsets and are able to empathize with their colleagues are generally better able to adapt to changing circumstances?

Decades of scientific research show that individuals who believe their talents can be developed (through hard work, good strategies, and feedback from others) have a “growth mindset.” They tend to achieve more than those with a “fixed mindset” (those who believe their talents are innate gifts).

Having a growth mindset means that you are willing to put in extra time and effort that ultimately leads to higher achievement and performance. A growth mindset comes from underlying beliefs about your potential to learn and ability to improve. As such, cultivating a growth mindset can help you and your team to collaborate, learn, and adapt.

Do you have a growth mindset? Take this Mindset Assessment created by scientists who have done extensive research on this topic to find out.

And for tips on how to harness the power of a growth mindset to create a learning culture on your team, listen to Episode 2 of the Inside Out podcast series. 

How does this help you think about your work? We want to hear about it! Let us know how this bite-sized activity helped you and/or your team collaborate, learn and adapt.