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Net-Map Certification Training

Event Details

Date and time

November 15, 2013 - November 16, 2013



Event Description

Net-Map is an interview-based mapping tool that helps people understand, visualize, discuss, and improve situations in which many different actors influence outcomes. By creating Influence Network Maps, individuals and groups can clarify their own view of a situation, foster discussion, and develop a strategic approach to their networking activities. More specifically, Net-Map helps players to determine:

  • what actors are involved in a given network,
  • how they are linked,
  • how influential they are, and
  • what their goals are.

Determining linkages, levels of influence, and goals allows users to be more strategic about how they act in these complex situations. It helps users to answer questions such as: Do you need to strengthen the links to an influential potential supporter? Do you have to be aware of an influential actor who doesn’t share your goals? Can increased networking help empower your dis-empowered beneficiaries?

The Net-Map tool is low-tech and low-cost and can be used when working with rural community members with low formal education as well as with policy makers or international development actors.

About the Training

Training participants will learn how to use this pen-and-paper method in meetings, individual interviews and to structure their own thinking process. It will improve project planning, monitoring and evaluation, team work and strategic networking. They will understand the typical structural issues in influence network, which will increase their network mapping facilitation skills.

Registration includes a free two hour phone or skype consultation, redeemable within six months after the training.

For more information or to register, click here. Only 12 spots are available, so sign up soon!