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Learning to Adapt: Exploring Knowledge, Information and Data for Adaptive Programmes and Policies


Adaptive management is increasingly seen as critical capability for development programmes and policies that are more effective, efficient, relevant and sustainable. There is increasing recognition that such work requires significant changes to the organizational structures, management processes, accountability and performance cultures and individual and group mindsets that typify development and humanitarian organizations. At the heart of these broader changes is a need to strengthen what has been termed the core capacity of adaptive management, namely the individual, programmatic and organizational ability to access and use knowledge, information and data in an ongoing manner in strategic and operational decisions.

A workshop was convened by USAID, mSTAR and the Institute for Development Studies (IDS) in London on 27-28 October 2015, bringing together a diverse range of actors, to discuss their experiences and ideas on how best to strengthen this core capability, and the wider considerations for doing adaptive programming in practice. Expert practitioners from donors, NGOs and UN organizations were joined by technology and innovation specialists, researchers, and consultants.

This document summarizes the two-day workshop.

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