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LEARN Activity Level MERL Plan


achieving significant development outcomes. 

USAID LEARN is a five-year contract funded by USAID’s Bureau of Policy, Planning and Learning (PPL) through its Office of Learning, Evaluation and Research (LER) to support strategic learning and knowledge management (KM) at USAID in order to improve the effectiveness of USAID programs in achieving significant development outcomes.

LEARN's Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning (MERL) plan is an example of an activity level MERL plan that is learning and utilization focused and that enables adaptive management.

While LEARN as a mechanism is different from field-based programming, the core sections of the MERL plan could be applicable to others. They include:

(1) Learning Questions and Activities - Discusses what key questions we have to answer as a contract in order to continuously improve and determine our overall impact, and what learning activities we will use to answer those questions. These include both quantitative and qualitative approaches, as well as our reflection practices and how they feed into program management practices.

(2) Knowledge Management - Discusses how the mechanism generates, stores, captures, synthesizes, shares, and applies its learning

(3) Learning Actors - Discusses who is learning from information and knowledge generated and roles and responsibilites for MERL among the LEARN team.

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