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Do any USAID Mission have an example of a "CLA Plan" now required as part of the Mission PMP?

The recently revised ADS Chapter 201 now requires the CDCS-based PMP contained a "CLA Plan" (see ADS The language reads: Section 3: Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) Plan This plan describes the Mission’s approach to CLA, a set of processes and activities that help ensure programming is coordinated, grounded in evidence, and adjusted as necessary to remain effective throughout implementation (see The plan should be based on an understanding of the Mission’s current learning practice and should be grounded in the Mission context. At a minimum, the Mission must develop a plan that addresses the following, with timeframe and responsible offices listed in the schedule of performance management tasks: Plans for strategic collaboration; Knowledge gaps at the strategy level and plans for filling them; Processes for periodic opportunities to reflect on progress, such as after-action reviews and partner meetings, to inform adaptation; and Plans for resourcing CLA at the Mission. The Mission may identify other priority areas that should also be included in the plan and discuss how the CLA priorities will support the Mission’s broader development goals. I am currently assisting a USAID Mission to develop such a plan, and am wondering if any examples already exist which could be shared. Thanks, TJ