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Shifting the Locus of Learning: Catalyzing Private Sector Learning to Drive Systemic Change Webinar (Session 2)

Event Details

Date and time

June 22, 2023




Feed the Future
Catalyzing Learning, Session 2

Event Description

Featuring perspectives from the CEO of an agribusiness in Uganda, a leader in Honduras’ BDS and finance ecosystem, and implementers at Gatsby, ACDI/VOCA, and MarketShare Associates - this webinar will unpack several practical examples where firms, ecosystem actors, and programs are strengthening firm and system-level learning capacities.

The last in a two-part series, this engaging webinar will take a practitioner-level focus and dive into several of the 10 intervention strategies featured in the paper Shifting the Locus of Learning: Catalyzing Private Sector Learning to Drive Systemic Change. We heard from influencers at USAID in the first webinar about why USAID sees this as central to its Local Capacity Strengthening PolicyPSE Modernize, and economic growth programming goals. (Post-event resources coming soon.) Now we’ll hear from firms and implementers directly.

The webinar will demonstrate, using practical examples, why programs can and should shift the locus of learning from being only program-focused to system-focused. This implies a shift in agency away from a program directing the learning process to strengthening the capacity of market actors (e.g., firms, other organizations) and the system itself to better learn and adapt on their own. The strategies spotlighted in the brief are anchored by specific examples from 13 programs doing this work now across 11 countries, including programming in Uganda, Honduras, Mozambique, Vietnam, Nigeria, and Serbia.



George W. Bakka
General Manager

Arjun Bhoopal
Head of Partnerships
Gatsby Africa

Ricardo Irias
Co-Founder and CEO, Sube Latinoamérica
President, Fintech Association in Honduras

Catalina Mejía
Entrepreneurship and Youth Component Coordinator
ACDI/VOCA Honduras 

Ben Fowler
Co-Founder and CEO
MarketShare Associates