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Community Contribution

Developing a New Virtual KM Model for FP/RH Professionals in Africa and Asia

Sophie Weiner

In response to new challenges around remote work, webinar and information overload, and lack of in-person connections due to the pandemic, Knowledge SUCCESS developed a highly interactive regional online series, called Learning Circles, to allow for dialogue, learning, networking, and collaboration among family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) professionals working in the same region. By creating a space where participants feel comfortable sharing detailed, practical, context-specific solutions to program challenges with their peers, Learning Circles aims to improve reuse and adaptation of FP/RH best practices while avoiding past mistakes.

What makes Learning Circles unique among other webinars and workshops is how we define experts and expertise. Many models use a panel of experts to present on technical topics, with time afterward for Q&A. In Learning Circles, we’re interested in highlighting knowledge and experience gained from daily work in putting programs into practice. In Learning Circles the participants are the experts.

Through post-session debriefs and routine After Action Reviews, the planning and facilitation team is taking a CLA approach to adapt, iterate, and improve the Learning Circles model with each new regional cohort.

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