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Community Contribution

LAC MEL Specialists Use Peer Network to Improve Quality and Use of Evidence

Todd M. Anderson and Amy Prevatt

Winner RibbonBased on consultations and stocktakings with LAC Missions, the LAC Bureau identified Mission Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Specialists as influential decision makers regarding data and evidence use. The LAC Bureau aims to improve the quality and use of evidence for decision making, and ultimately to improve development outcomes. To help achieve this goal, the LAC Bureau and Mission MEL Specialists established a regional peer network to strengthen existing linkages, empower MEL professionals, and enhance their capacities to improve data quality and systemic use of evidence. The Bureau dedicated resources for collaboration among MEL specialists, such as regular webinars, a 2017 LAC MEL Gathering, and a website reserved for discussion among LAC MEL Specialists. These efforts turned ad-hoc collaboration into formal, proactive processes, and built on an existing learning culture to make evidence-based decision making a key priority for the region.

The LAC MEL Peer Network promotes sharing of MEL practices, tools, and evidence generation tailored to the region. Mission MEL Specialists across the region are sharing information and using one another as resources. For example, LAC Mission MEL Specialists have shared MEL templates and capacity building materials (in English and Spanish) and collaborated on performance indicator development and tracking systems.

Note: This year's case competition entry form included a new question about whether or not the highlighted CLA approach(es) contribute to a country’s Journey to Self-Reliance.The response to this question was not scored as part of the judging process.

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