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USAID Contribution

Learning Network Facilitator Terms of Reference


This is a Terms of Reference (TOR) for a learning network facilitator for the Knowledge-Driven Enterprise Development (KDMD) project's Grants under Contracts (GUC). The Grants-Under-Contract (GUC) Learning Network is a competitive grant program funded by USAID that brings together select practitioners to generate new and critical knowledge to help advance priority areas in the microfinance and microenterprise development practices. The focus is on generating, sharing and leveraging results and lessons at the individual grant as well as group level to benefit the wider industry. At the individual project level, the Learning Network provides a forum and laboratory for practitioners/grantees to get (on demand) support from their network peers as well as technical experts (within and outside USAID), explore knowledge gaps in the industry, test hypotheses and new approaches, challenge current assumptions, capture results and lessons, and learn from one another. At the group level, the Learning Network is meant to function as a mini think-tank (and a mechanism for exchange between practitioners and USAID), with members working in a collaborative manner to identify issues, concerns, challenges and opportunities in the industry and correspondingly develop joint knowledge products that can add value to the wider community and, over the long term, improve its practice.

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