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USAID Contribution

Note From the GROOVE Learning Network: The Value of Integrated Value Chain Programming and the Learning Network Approach

Brandon Szabo

USAID awarded the New Partners in Value Chain Development grant in June 2009 in an effort to support a growing cadre of non-governmental organization (NGO) and private voluntary organization (PVO) partners who are dedicated to improving their knowledge, skills, and abilities in the field of value chain development in collaboration with USAID and other major donors. Through a competitive selection process, four grantee organizations (CARE, CHF International, Conservation International and Practical Action) were selected on the strength of their proposals, specifically the unique perspectives they brought towards integrating the value chain development approach into their programming. The grant activities were implemented over a three-year period, with grants managed by USAID’s Knowledge-Driven Microenterprise Development (KDMD) project in partnership with USAID’s microenterprise development team.

Notes From the Field are brief stories, usually contributed by field-based staff and practitioners, relating experiences and lessons learned through their microenterprise development and financial inclusion work. Notes From the Field are an excellent way for practitioners to share stories with others and contribute to continuous learning in the microenterprise development field.

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