Phased Acquisition: An Interactive Toolkit
Phased acquisitions are used when USAID anticipates a large competition for a specific procurement and wishes to reduce the number of offerors for evaluation. USAID uses the terms “phased acquisition” and “down select” synonymously to describe any process in which the government hopes to reduce the number of offerors for evaluation.
The Phased Acquisition Toolkit complements and supplements the self-paced, asynchronous course, “PDT Innovators - Phased Acquisition: A New Source Selection Tool” and information provided in Procurement Executive Bulletin (PEB) No. 20-02 and the Advisory Phased Acquisition Supplement to PEB 20-02 (linked above) on Advisory Phased Acquisition Processes by providing additional resources to support Contracting Officers (COs) and other US government professionals in understanding and utilizing phased acquisition options.
When contemplating a phased acquisition, especially a Mandatory Down Select Approach, COs are encouraged to contact the Acquisition and Assistance (A&A) Lab at [email protected] and/or the Contract Review Board (CRB) at [email protected] to review the use case and ensure that the mechanism chosen will support the accomplishment of the Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) and COs goals for a particular procurement.