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Community Contribution

Practice What You Preach: A Tool For Staff Transformation

Emily Janoch, Emily Hillenbrand, Pranati Mohanraj
Winner RibbonUsing a collaborating, learning and adapting (CLA) and curiosity-centered approach made it easier and more effective for program staff to work with communities on the sensitive issues of changing gender norms around women farmers and changing gender workloads. Staff noticed that it was hard for them to effectively get communities to change, and decided to examine their own behaviors first. They invented a tool that allowed them to collect data and create safe spaces for conversation about complicated behavior change. As a result of these conversations, they redesigned some of the work on the ground to increase impact.
So what were the results? At the end of the program, women farmers were more than four times more likely to have control over household assets (from 10% at baseline to 47% at endline) and nearly twice as likely to be involved in decisions about income and expenditures (now 48% from 25% at baseline). The staff are now working to roll out their tool across all of CARE so that others can benefit from their experience.

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