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Our Poll Says Your Greatest Obstacle to Resourcing CLA is…

May 24, 2016
Amy Leo

Following up on Monalisa Salib’s recent blog post about resourcing CLA, we sent the following poll to our list of 7,334 subscribers on Wednesday, May 11th:

Image of LL Poll

With 418 votes accounted for (a 5.7% response rate) here are the results:

Image of Poll ResultsWe immediately noticed that the spread between the three options was mostly even, with Lack of Flexibility in Funding Mechanisms earning 37 more votes than Limited Budget and Limited Staff Skillset. We have a few ideas of why this may be. First, the three options could be interrelated variables for some voters, making it difficult for them to pinpoint the “greatest obstacle.” For example, lack of funding for training may be a reason why staff aren’t equipped to use CLA in their work. And, Lack of Flexibility in Funding Mechanisms may be a cause of Limited Budget for CLA. Additionally, we have heard that lack of time is a significant obstacle to CLA and wonder what the poll results would look like had this option been included.

Thank you to all who participated in the poll!

Would you have liked to see another option included? Or, what do you think we can extrapolate from these results? Tell us in the comments below!

And, be sure to read Monalisa Salib’s blog post on funding CLA for ideas on overcoming these obstacles.