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Enter USAID's 2018 Collaborating, Learning and Adapting Case Competition!

Apr 09, 2018
Amy Leo

  • Is your organization creating a learning culture?
  • Do you pause and reflect?
  • Have you implemented evaluation recommendations?
  • Are you collaborating with local partners to build self-reliance?

If so, we want to hear about it, and about other ways you’re collaborating, learning and adapting for better development results!

The submission period for the 2018 Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) Case Competition is Monday, April 9 - Thursday, May 31.

The CLA Case Competition captures case studies of USAID staff and implementing partners using a CLA approach for organizational learning and better development outcomes. This is not a call for traditional success stories; we want to hear what’s working well, what you’re struggling with, and what you’ve learned along the way. It can be about something big, or about one small practice that made an important difference to your work.

Not sure if what you’re doing is CLA? Curious about how to frame your work? You’re invited to join a kickoff webinar on Tuesday, April 10 from 12:00-1:00 PM that will provide tips for writing about your CLA experience and explain what we're looking for in case study submissions.

Your submission will showcase your team’s innovation and expertise, helping us all move the needle on strategic collaboration, continuous learning, and adaptive management. All eligible case studies will be featured on ProgramNet and USAID Learning Lab, and may be shared via blog posts, Twitter, and at CLA events in Washington, DC and beyond. Over the past three years, the CLA case competition has sourced and published over 160 examples of CLA in action, and has launched a continuing dialogue and process of shared learning.

Click here for details on how to enter.