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1+1>2: Increasing Impact Through a Regional Development Initiative in Uganda

Jordan Rief, Meaghan Wilson
USAID/Uganda set out to 'do business differently' with the introduction of their latest Country Development Cooperation Strategy. Part of this philosophy involves looking at problems from a different perspective, and not being afraid to try something new. The proliferation of districts in Uganda creates a unique development challenge in that resources are constantly being divided. But USAID/Uganda decided to pilot a new approach- turning beneficiaries into partners and letting them define their own development agenda at a regional level. By doing this, USAID/Uganda would be empowering communities to define their development goals for themselves and also would  
assist them in leveraging resources, strategic advantages, and potential opportunities at a larger scale.
USAID/Uganda, along with the support of Implementing Partners, collaborated both internally and externally to convene stakeholders from across different sectors. These stakeholders were provided with data and information, partnered with researchers from the local universities, and given time and space to prioritize their region's potential opportunities. This process has included a dynamic and ever-changing road map that allows USAID/Uganda and the regional stakeholders to stop and reflect at each juncture and adapt their game plan based on what they learn. The regional development initiative embodies 'doing business differently' and is an example of incorporating CLA as a cornerstone of innovative programming. 

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