USAID and implementing partners face many crises and uncertainty around the world. Our core mission and our role in supporting U.S. foreign policy requires that we work in a wide…
Working adaptively has been part and parcel of USAID programming for well over a decade. With collaborating, learning, and adapting as a central element of the Program Cycle, USAID…
A MEL and impact measurement system is like plumbing: there are many steps throughout a project lifecycle where potential impact can “leak” (go unachieved, unmeasured, or unreported…
Program Design for USAID design teams is a creative and exciting venture, but it can be daunting. Even if you determine that the Collective Action approach can best address your…
In the mid 2010s, I got to work on a couple ethnographic research efforts asking, “how USAID might effectively partner directly with more local organizations and better enable the…
Each month, the iDesign team will feature blog posts from guest authors across the Agency highlighting their work with Collective Action, the utility of the Collective Action guides…
This landscape review highlights the learning from six adaptive programming guidelines and toolkits and one implementation science framework to inform the monitoring and evaluation…