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USAID Contribution

Evidence to Action Briefs 2024

Winston J. Allen, PhD

Evidence to Action Briefs are a part of USAID’s ongoing commitment to localization and in support of the Biden-Harris Administration’s promise to elevate “Evidence for Action.” The briefs were developed by USAID’s Bureau for Policy, Planning, and Learning (PPL), Office of Learning Evaluation and Research (LER), in collaboration with the USAID Operating Units (OUs) that commissioned the evaluations.  

This resource highlights four recently completed performance evaluations of activities in Haiti, Jamaica, Morocco, and Georgia that sought to strengthen the capacity of local organizations, firms, and governments. Performance evaluations provide answers to questions on how an intervention is being implemented, its perception and value; and  the activity’s design, management, and operations. 

Each of the briefs reflects on lessons learned and describes how USAID is shifting its approaches as a result. A common thread through many of the evaluations are lessons about the importance of empowering local actors to lead in program design, implementation, and monitoring, evaluation, and learning. 

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