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Feed the Future Enabling Environment for Food Security: KM Assessment

Fintrac Inc.

Image of Feed the Future Enabling Environment for Food Security | Knowledge Management Assessment reportThe Feed the Future Enabling Environment for Food Security project is a global support mechanism for Feed the Future focused and aligned Missions and other USAID offices and bureaus to address legal, institutional, and market constraints affecting food security.

The primary objective of this KM assessment is to identify the most effective ways to reach key audiences of food security enabling environment topics and foster the exchange of information and knowledge to inform the design of a KM implementation plan for the project. While not its original function, the assessment also established a collaborative, inclusive, and systematic foundation for approaching KM moving forward for USAID, the project, and other partners to engage and collaborate to improve the enabling environment for food security. The assessment team was led by Meaghan Murphy of Fintrac with support from independent consultant Mira Ibrisimovic.

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