Improving Evaluation Use in Senegal through Recommendations Workshops
USAID/Senegal has a broad government to government (G2G) portfolio. Two of the G2G activities were already evaluated and as USAID/Senegal approached its third G2G evaluation, it wanted to reinforce the relationship between the Government of Senegal (GoS) and USAID/Senegal by generating actionable recommendations that would be used to guide the next phase of the activity. The G2G approach is labor intensive for both the GoS and USAID. It is also sensitive diplomatically. For these reasons, the use of CLA in the evaluation of the G2G agreement was seen as an ideal approach that would involve both parties and ensure the practicality and usefulness of the exercise in supporting the new design.
The evaluation used a collaborative approach, working closely with the Senegal Ministry of Health and USAID across all aspects of the evaluation. The cornerstone of the CLA process was the recommendations workshop involving all stakeholders, which led to a recommendations action plan.
The recommendations action plan developed in the recommendations workshop was used as a foundation for the design of the next phase of the G2G agreement. A series of recommendations were incorporated into the new approach and both the USAID Health Team and the Senegalese Ministry of Health found the workshop extremely helpful in terms of putting everyone on the same page about changes to be made which ultimately saved time in the agreement negotiations and resulted in a more adaptive design.