Integrated Planning and Budgeting Strengthens District Operational Plans in Uganda
The Strengthening Decentralization for Sustainability (SDS) Program, a USAID-funded project in Uganda, carried out a Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) study to assess the impact of one of its intervention approaches: program support through integrated planning and budgeting for direct technical assistance, a major performance trigger for decentralized service support, to 35 district governments in Uganda and USAID’s District Operational Plans. This CLA study provided much-needed information on district performance and the contributions that district leaders attributed to SDS support via grants and direct technical assistance. This information can help SDS identify areas of focus to improve the quality of SDS interventions and, ultimately, the performance of district local governments.
This case study was submitted as part of USAID's CLA Case Competition, held in August 2015. Taken together, this collection of submissions illustrates the diversity of ways collaborating, learning, and adapting approaches are being operationalized in the field. Stringent judging criteria was used to determine official CLA Case Competition winners, so not all submissions should be considered an official USAID endorsement of best practice. To view all entries, visit the CLA Case Competition page.