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Opportunity to co-create monitoring, evaluation, research and learning innovations with the Global Development Lab

Apr 02, 2015
Sophia van der Bijl

Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning Innovations (MERLIN) Call-Deadline April 27


Recent advances in the field of monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning (MERL) present an opportunity for USAID to radically improve relationships among evaluators, program implementers, and beneficiaries. USAID seeks to acquire or develop new tools and methodologies that will accelerate the use and effectiveness of MERL in the Agency.


USAID's Global Development Lab is seeking new approaches in the MERL space that will allow it to more rapidly learn about program effectiveness in order to responsibly iterate and improve, making it more feasible to use data and evidence to drive decisions. The Lab is interested in hearing from individuals and organizations (NGOs, private sector, academia, other donors, etc.) that are breaking new and innovative ground in the following areas, among others:


• Monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning tools and methodologies

• Approaches to how donors engage and structure evaluations

• Tools and approaches to sourcing, collecting and analyzing data


USAID wants to hear from organizations at the cutting edge of measuring impact, understanding complex development challenges and solutions, and using evidence to drive smart decision making and policy. The Lab is looking to co-create new programs with organizations whose priorities lie in fostering increased development impact through improved and innovative tools for monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning. There is no funding necessarily associated with this announcement, but we're looking for smart people to work with us to identify new models.


Application Process

If you are interested in being part of this co-design opportunity with the U.S. Global Development Lab, or want additional information, please visit and Grants.govPlease refer to Addendum No. 8 - MERLIN.  


Please consider applying, and if you know of someone in your network who would be interested in this opportunity, feel free to forward this email to them.


If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].