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Introducing a New USAID Learning Lab Blog Series: Framing CLA

Oct 18, 2016
Amy Leo

Framing CLA Blog Series Banner
When we explain the concept of CLA, people are often curious about what it looks like in practice. We wonder the same thing too, which is why we launched the annual CLA Case Competition to collect examples of how development practitioners are doing CLA.

Framework with culture highlighted

To share these examples with the USAID Learning Lab community, we are launching a new blog series called Framing CLA. The series will feature examples of each of the subcomponents of the CLA Framework. What’s a subcomponent? In the enlarged slice of the CLA Framework on the right, Openness, Relationships & Networks, and Continuous Learning & Improvement are subcomponents of one of the enabling conditions of CLA: Culture. This blog post provides an overview of the CLA Framework and the questions behind each of the subcomponents.

Framing CLA blogs will take the form of question and answer with the development practitioners who submitted their stories in the 2016 CLA Case Competition. Click here to view a list of blogs in the series.