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External Collaboration under the Partnership for Recovery and Resilience Platform in South Sudan

Annet Giryang

USAID operates in a politically, economically and socially complex environment in South Sudan. The outbreak of civil war in 2013 and widespread violence and armed conflict in 2016 has made development work in the country even more difficult. By the end of 2018, four and a half million people have been displaced, over 380,000 people have died, and two-thirds of the population are food insecure as a result of the war. South Sudan is also at risk for the world’s most infectious diseases, including Ebola, plague, and cholera. All of these factors place South Sudan in the southwest quadrant of the Agency’s Journey to Self-Reliance (J2SR) framework.

Moreover, the government has consistently failed to deliver services to its citizens. Therefore, donors, UN and its entities and international NGOs have to shoulder the burden of providing and delivering basic services to save the lives of the most vulnerable people of South Sudan affected by the armed conflicts. To more effectively deliver services as well as ensure more complimentary humanitarian and development assistance, donors, the UN agencies, and international NGOs must choose to collaborate and use a common framework for implementation.

The Partnership for Recovery and Resiliency (Partnership) was established in 2018 to serve as a unifying framework to help development stakeholders in South Sudan work together to reduce vulnerabilities and build resilient households in seven geographic areas. This CLA case competition describes the multi-sector/multi-office USAID collaboration and participation in the Partnership’s joint-work planning workshop in Yambio, Western Equatoria, one of the seven Partnership targeted area. The workshop was an opportunity to co-locate, coordinate, sequence and layer different partner investments in local communities.

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