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Embracing Agility How CLA Strengthened Application of Positive Youth Development in North Macedonia

Joanna Kaleniecka, Jessica Friedman

The Republic of North Macedonia has a growing economy and is taking steps to join the European Union—two opportunities that have potential to positively impact the country’s long-term economic development. Despite this, many youth lack the necessary skills to work in high-growth sectors in the country, prompting high outward migration. This challenge is compounded by high levels of apathy and pessimism about the country’s future. As North Macedonia progresses toward European Union membership, there is a growing need to empower youth, particularly from marginalized communities, to actively contribute to the economy and society. In response, USAID’s Youth Actively Create Opportunities Activity, implemented by IESC, is helping youth gain skills needed to get good jobs and be more civically engaged. The Activity team adopted a CLA approach to engage youth throughout program design and implementation to maximize their impact. The program’s commitment to external collaboration and adaptive management were pivotal in making this approach successful. Strategic collaboration with external partners, including universities and youth organizations, has provided opportunities for youth development. Most importantly, the program treats youth not only as program participants but as co-creators of initiatives. By engaging youth in the design and organization of activities that are also aligned with their career aspirations, the program has achieved high participation and completion rates and meaningful engagement, altering the landscape for youth employment. Regular pause and reflect sessions and learning workshops ensure ongoing relevance and effectiveness of initiatives, enabling the Activity to adapt programming into a model for youth engagement.

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