Cultivating the CLA Enabling Environment: USAID Uganda's Mission of Leaders Program
USAID/Uganda has invested in an ever-evolving approach to developing the enabling environment for CLA at the Mission and beyond. Through a series of inter-related, multi-format activities, the Mission focuses on individual, team, and organizational effectiveness, specifically introducing methods to overcome the various counter-incentives to CLA, including culture (organizational and otherwise), incentives, and capacity gaps. Although still a work in progress, USAID/Uganda's Mission of Leaders has shown some important indicators of progress in enabling behaviors and practices that can serve to underscore, reinforce, and otherwise support the Agency's highest priority in operationalizing CLA: enhancing development outcomes.
This case study was submitted as part of USAID's CLA Case Competition, held in August 2015. This collection of examples illustrate the diversity of ways collaborating, learning, and adapting approaches are being operationalized in the field. To view more CLA cases like this one, visit theCLA Case Competition page.