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Community Contribution

Developmental Evaluation Pilot - Sustained Uptake


"USAID's Developmental Evaluation Pilot Activity (DEPA-MERL) project was one of the first attempts to introduce Developmental Evaluation (DE) to USAID. The DEPA-MERL project provided high quality DEs to interested Operating Units while also rigorously collecting and widely disseminating learning about how to conduct DEs in the Agency’s unique context.

This DE worked with seven teams across the U.S. Global Development Lab to catalyze the next generation of breakthrough innovations and their uptake within and beyond USAID. Over 22 months, the DE provided extensive evaluative and adaptive management support to the Lab, providing them with evidence on effective and efficient models for both internal and external sustained uptake. The DE further improved teams’ capabilities of achieving ecosystem-level outcomes, and provided tools to continue this work moving forward. These resources are intended for those interested in gaining an indepth understanding of what a DE looks like in USAID, and associated learnings from implementing the DE. "

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