Monitoring Data Disaggregation by Geographic Location
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The Additional Help: Data Disaggregation by Geographic Location has been updated to reflect the recently updated ADS 201. The Country Example and Checklist are currently under revision to align with the recently updated ADS 201.
For guidance and support associated with revisions to ADS 201, please see the Program Cycle overview page.
These documents provide supplemental guidance to ADS G Indicator Disaggregation, and discuss concepts and methods needed to collect and analyze geographically disaggregated indicators for improved performance monitoring, learning, and adapting. They are intended primarily for use by Program Officers who make Mission-wide decisions about geographic data collection, and also CORs/AORs/GATRs who advise implementing partners and partner governments about USAID Mission data needs.
ADS 201 Additional Help: Data Disaggregation by Geographic Location
This document will help managers and CORs/AORs/GATRs make decisions about disaggregating indicator data by geographic location, and provide information about how to collect and use the geographically disaggregated data.
Country Example: Analyzing Geographic Monitoring Data
This document provides an example case scenario illustrating the guidance found in the ADS 201 Additional Help: Data Disaggregation by Geographic Location.
Checklist: Geographic Data Disaggregation
This document provides a checklist for managers and CORs/AORs/GATRs to support in making decisions about disaggregating monitoring data by geographic location.
These resources are part of the Monitoring Toolkit.