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Seafood Alliance for Legality & Traceability (SALT): An Effort in Collaboration & Learning

Jenny Barker, Jenny Kane, Richard Crespin
The Seafood Alliance for Legality and Traceability (SALT): Developed through a co-creation process to enable activity co-design on a global scale to build a knowledge sharing and learning platform -- modeling CLA throughout its implementation! 
Much of the world relies on fisheries for livelihood and nutrition. Illegal activities including human trafficking and forced labor pose real threats to people in the fishing industry globally. This is a story of using intentional and strategic external collaboration to support the technical evidence base for the design of a learning and collaboration initiative by USAID E3 and its implementing partner FishWise, a non-profit sustainable seafood consultancy, with the support of Collaborate Up, a collaboration consulting firm. 
SALT is a global alliance for knowledge exchange and action on seafood traceability. It is a public-private partnership among USAID, the Walton Family, Packard, and Moore Foundations. SALT is a Global Development Alliance (GDA) which means this has been a collaborative effort from the start. It was designed with USAID, private sector donors, and the implementing partners so collaboration was baked into the activity’s DNA. In its first year, SALT is convening stakeholders across seafood supply chains to define problems related to seafood traceability and identify innovative solutions to move forward. This “co-design” process is supported a Co-Design Advisory Committee consisting of leaders from government, philanthropy, industry and civil society. The co-design findings will inform the plan for the remaining four years of the project in development of a learning platform.

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