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USAID Contribution

USAID/Colombia Evaluation and Analysis for Learning Project (Mission Evaluation Contract)


This solicitation, posted on, provides an example from USAID/Colombia of a contract to obtain Mission-wide evaluation technical and advisory services. The contractor will assist the Mission with the design and implementation of quantitative and qualitative evaluation studies and assessments, including performance evaluations, impact evaluations, and components of evaluations (e.g. baselines, cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness assessments). Evaluations and assessments covered under this contract may be at the country, DO, project, and/or activity-level. The contract will also provide evaluation technical assistance for USAID/Colombia. Aims of the contract include facilitating informed program management decisions, shaping the longer-term strategic direction of programs and decision-making within the Mission, and enabling USAID/Colombia to comply with USAID's Evaluation Policy.

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