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Community Contribution

USAID/Jordan's Development Knowledge Management Portal

Kenana Amin

In early 2016, USAID/Jordan Program Office (PRO) partnered with its Monitoring and Evaluation Support Project (MESP) to develop and deploy the Jordan Development Knowledge Management Portal, known as KaMP, a web-based repository of the most relevant resources specific to the development experience in Jordan. KaMP serves as a data bank for important documentations including: evidence-based results, technical reports and assessments, evaluations, cases, policy documents, and any other type of useful items a specific entity may deem worthy to share. Thus, fulfilling one of its main purposes, to develop a repository of cross-institutional memory and ready reference, creating in turn the enabling conditions for nurturing strategic collaboration, continuous learning, and adaptive management.

As of June 2017, the KaMP enjoys high visibility within the USAID/Jordan community and beyond, and is quickly becoming an invaluable source of development results and best practices. Expanding its reach, KaMP is being actively promoted to a wider audience through promotions at donor coordination meetings and other events, press releases, the creation of a video, and revisions to multiple resources developed to help visitors use the portal effectively. With its ever-growing user base and number of resources, the system facilitates sharing and contributing, and enables access and utilization of relevant information for the Jordanian context. As a result, an interrelated and interdependent relationship-based ecosystem is now in place, allowing KaMP users to access, manage and share content thus articulating a learning element within this ecosystem, pushing the boundaries to allow these entities to let their creativity roam.

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