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Community Contribution

USAID/Morocco's State of the Mission Address: Improving Feedback Loops

LeAnna Marr

Finalist RibbonUSAID/Morocco's experience demonstrates effective ways of incorporating CLA into already-existing processes and then shows how one small change, presenting the "State of the Mission Address," can have a large impact on incorporating a larger CLA approach. This year, the Mission closed a feedback loop by holding a presentation, dubbed the "State of the Mission Address," to report back to implementing partners on their annual reports. We focused the presentation on explaining how the Mission uses the information provided in the reports and then shared powerful examples from those reports on learning and adaptive management. We chose to focus on learning and adaptive management because we had updated our quarterly and annual report templates last year to include sections on learning and adaptive management. This simple exercise allowed us to provide continued learning on CLA, highlight best practices and lessons learned, and shine a spotlight on the great work that our partners are doing. It allowed staff and partners to learn more about what each of our partners is doing. We also believe that it will serve as an inspiration for implementing partners to improve the quality of information they are providing to us in quarterly and annual reports.

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