IntroductionMany organizations, particularly those operating in complex environments, face challenges when managing projects and aligning with shifting priorities…
At FHI 360, we have been engaged in thinking about how to make our collaborating, learning and adapting (CLA) efforts intentional, systematic, and resourced. Many workshops have…
This is an in-depth case study of the Strengthening Decentralization for Sustainability (SDS) project from Uganda. SDS is a hybrid project addressing health, HIV, and governance…
Strategic collaboration, continuous learning, and adaptive management throughout the Program Cycle helps USAID missions and operating units (OUs) achieve better development outcomes…
USAID/Bangladesh's first ever Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) on designing one of the flagship activities titled- ‘Advancing Universal Health Coverage (AUHC)’ demonstrates a set of…
This guidance is intended to inform USAID staff, especially Mission project design and management teams and OAA staff, on options for designing flexible, shock responsive programs…
Flexibility in program management is essential in all of the countries where USAID works. This is especially true in non-permissive environments (NPEs), where the ability to learn…