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Using CLA Principles for Collaborative and Effective Learning Agenda Design Facilitation: A GH PEARL Case Study

Morgan Brown

Implemented by a consortium of seven partners dispersed across three continents, the newly launched Global Health Program Evaluation, Analysis, Research, and Learning (GH PEARL) project conducts monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning (MERL) activities in family planning; reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health; nutrition (FP/RMNCH+N); and other priority global health areas. The project leaned on Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) components and subcomponents, particularly internal collaboration and knowledge management, to develop and implement an interactive learning agenda design session during the project's first in-person partners’ meeting. This case study outlines the facilitation strategy and highlights the CLA approaches used to optimize this process. Meeting attendees consisted of a large group with varying expertise, and GH PEARL needed to harness everyone’s knowledge to effectively develop the project learning agenda. While all team members were technical experts, each had differing experiences with and knowledge of CLA. Therefore, internal learning was a crucial first step. The process began with capacity strengthening to learn more about CLA and the learning agenda process. Participants were then led through a hands-on participatory session with brainstorming, prioritization, consensus-seeking, and operationalization activities. Following the meeting, outputs were collected, transcribed, and synthesized to inform a draft of the project’s learning agenda. Additionally, a learning agenda technical advisory group (TAG) was identified to guide implementation and adaptive management of the learning agenda throughout the life of the project. By intentionally integrating CLA into this process, the effectiveness of the GH PEARL team was improved by increasing knowledge and understanding of CLA, cultivating relationships between partners, and fostering learning agenda buy-in through joint ownership. 

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