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1811 Results

Toolkit of All Toolkits for Social Innovation

Development practitioners are all too familiar with information overload on how they can do their jobs better. Sites like Learning Lab aim to curate some of that information so it’s…

Scenes from the USAID Innovation Marketplace

On September 18-19, 2014, USAID hosted the 2014 Frontiers in Development Conference. This year's event aimed to engage a dynamic community of global thought leaders and…

Top 10 Takeaways from M&E Tech Conference

The introduction of new technologies in the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) field is upending long-standing methodologies for collecting data and engaging with communities. The…

USAID Embarks on Standard Setting in ICT4D

At the M&E Tech Conference held in Washington, DC September 25-26, sponsored by The Rockefeller Foundation, GSMA, and FHI 360, USAID Mobile Data Lead Merrick Shaefer highlighted…