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Asia Regional Evaluation Evidence Exchange


USAID's Regional Development Mission for Asia (USAID/RDMA) and the United Nations Evaluation Development Group for Asia and the Pacific (UNEDAP) cohosted the Asia Regional Evaluation Evidence Exchange, which was held from October 19 to 20, 2015, at USAID/RDMA’s Asia Regional Training Center in Bangkok, Thailand.

The Asia Regional Evaluation Evidence Exchange brought together Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and Development specialists, primarily from USAID/RDMA’s M&E Community of Practice, to deliberate on the current best practices and innovations in evaluation methodology in the Asia region. The exchange promoted the sharing of experiences among the wider development community and M&E practitioners about innovative approaches to improving the quality and utilization of evaluations. 

The two-day event featured presentations, panels, and interactive discussions about regional challenges, successes and innovations in evaluation approaches and methods. Day One focused on quality improvement in evaluation, including topics such as developing high-quality statements of work, managing an evaluation, and assessing the quality of evaluation reports; use of technology in evaluation; and learning and utilization of evaluations. Day Two focused on incorporating cross-cutting issues into evaluations; best practices in quantitative and qualitative methods; and organizational learning and sharing knowledge.

Approximately 60 experts participated, including representatives from USAID Asia Missions, United Nations agencies, development partners, universities/research institutes, and M&E-related firms and local consultants.

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