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Adapting Modern Technology Streamline Process of ITNs Distribution in Zanzibar

Benjamin Kamala

Malaria remains a significant threat in Africa, particularly affecting children under five years old and pregnant women. Zanzibar, home to nearly 1.5 million residents, faces disease transmission from mosquitoes, which can lead to severe illness or death. Zanzibar has come a long way in the battle against malaria. To mitigate malaria-related deaths and cases, the Zanzibar Malaria Elimination Program (ZAMEP) has prioritized prevention through the distribution of insecticide-treated nets (ITN) to the community. However, previous campaigns relying on paper-based tools encountered challenges such as inaccurate data, difficulties in data analysis, storage difficulties, and reporting delays. By Intergrating CLA approches, in early 2023 ZAMEP collaborated with the PMI Vector Control Project and Digital Square from PATH Tanzania funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and other key stakeholders to create the mass ITN distribution system. Through Learning and technical evidence base ZAMEP and its partners proactively sough a more efficient solution, leading to the development of the digital platform. The transition to a digital systems reflects a willingness to reflect on post challenges and adapt strategies to enhance effectiveness. This adaptability was crucial in achieving the successful distribution of 857,325 treated nets to 290,203 registered households, covering 1,578,562 beneficiaries (population) within 19 days,as ZAMEP continues its mission to eliminate Malaria and protect the health of Zanzibar communities, Intergrating modern technology has brought transformative success in the mass distribution of Insecticide-Treated Nets (ITNs).

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