Community Contribution
CLA in USAID/Cambodia Site Visit Reporting and Utilization
Every USAID Mission conducts site visits. Site visits are an important tool for learning about project and activity implementation, but sometimes the documentation and follow-up from site visits can be rather daunting. USAID/Cambodia took an otherwise routine and onerous process of writing up site visit reports and made them an incredibly useful tool for learning at the Mission. Their goal in updating the site visit planning and reporting process was grounded in CLA concepts such as strategic collaboration, continuous learning and improvement, and adaptive management. Their aim was to strengthen how the Mission plans, documents, and analyzes site visits.
Note: This year's case competition entry form included a new question about whether or not the highlighted CLA approach(es) contribute to a country’s Journey to Self-Reliance.The response to this question was not scored as part of the judging process.