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Community Contribution

Collaborative Measurement of Resilience in Burkina Faso

Haoua Ango, Ali Dabre

USAID’s Inclusive Governance for Resilience (IGR) Activity in Burkina Faso began under Creative Associates International (Creative) in July 2021. The five-year cooperative agreement aims to catalyze solutions that bridge persistent and severe gaps between communities' needs and the capacities of local governance bodies to meet them. The program's objectives are: (i) The government of Burkina Faso, particularly at the local level, effectively delivers services to meet the needs of its communities; (ii) Citizens, local and community organizations have the capacity to advocate their needs and communicate constructively with government officials; and (iii) Citizens and the State regularly engage in productive dialogue. To achieve these, USAID-IGR supported national and local government authorities and communities from the first year of implementation to carry out participatory assessments that would identify their strengths and issues, in order to develop appropriate responses to the challenges identified. These assessments were carried out through the Fragility and Resilience Assessment Methodology (FRAMe). FRAMe is a tool developed by Creative's Department of Democracy, Governance and Electoral Integrity to identify the unsatisfied needs of communities to solve governance problems at local level. This methodology offers a detailed look at citizens' perceptions of their governance system and identifies specific areas of community resilience and fragility. It also analyzes gender equity as well as the inclusion of marginalized and minority groups. The analysis of FRAMe results contributes to the project's CLA, most specifically through external collaboration and monitoring and evaluation for learning. Drawing on the results of FRAMe, co-creation workshops with governance stakeholders led to the development of Roadmaps to Resilience at commune levels.

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