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USAID Contribution

Implementing Partner Update: CDCS Development and the Journey to Self-Reliance


USAID’s Office of Strategic and Program Planning (SPP) in the Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning (PPL) has prepared a Partner Update video on USAID’s new, streamlined approach to the development of Country Development and Cooperation Strategies (CDCSs) with Self-Reliance as a prominent theme.

While we know that many of you have past experience supporting Missions with CDCS development, this video will:

  • Highlight what's new in USAID's CDCS approach, focus, content and process;
  • Give an overview of the major projects underpinning Self-Reliance; and
  • Identify CDCS and Journey to Self-Reliance resources.

Click here to watch the video with captions.


Partners were encouraged to submit questions about the video's contents between July 29 and August 5, 2019. The questions and their answers can be found here.

The Google Sheets document of the nine partner questions that we received and PPL's cleared answers (the Q&A document) is here.

This Q&A document will also be posted, in parallel, the Federal Business Opportunities website

Additional Resources

Consult the list of resources at right for more information about the process. 

Please note: Updates to ADS 201 are coming soon. 

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