PSE MEL: Standard Agency PSE Indicators and Harmonizing Indicator Tool
Under its Private Sector Engagement (PSE) Policy, USAID is working hand-in-hand with the private sector to design and deliver development and humanitarian programs across all sectors, and to harness resources to open markets and other opportunities for U.S. businesses. The USAID PSE Evidence and Learning Plan, launched in 2019, champions the development of meaningful indicators to expand current PSE data collection to a wider array of information on engaging the private sector. Through these efforts, we hope to generate insights that allow USAID to improve our management of PSE activities and to inform our PSE work more broadly.
Moving towards a PSE data system that better captures the implementation and impact of PSE, the updated FY 2021 Standardized Program Structure and Definitions (SPSD) includes a new PSE cross cutting area and three new sector-agnostic PSE indicators aimed at measuring the breadth of PSE across the Agency.
These indicators are meant to serve as a foundation for the development of Mission/Bureau/Independent Office and activity PSE monitoring frameworks, complementing SPSD outcome indicators and should not be viewed as comprehensive PSE monitoring. The Harmonizing Indicator Tool matches Agency Indicators with those used by the private sector and with SDG goals and targets to help Missions develop their PSE MEL criteria in collaboration with their private sector partner.